I usually don't like K-pop but i really like this song!
My friends played the song when we were at the karaoke and it got in my head without realizing
I only liked it after 3
I didn't know how to write his name in japanese so I asked my friend who knows
I like drawing technology/items...haha
This is my son that spends his free time hitting on other's
Yes, yes he s gay...\^q^/
Hellow :D I just find you on youtube And I love your drawing style, so I'll start to spam your blog with my comment ^^'' <3
ReplyDeleteOMg *O* Bad girl <3 This is the first K-pop song I loved too xD I really like this drawing of Yo seob O.O He's soooo cute *O*
Omg xD I never think about that before you said it.. Who do you write it O.O Yo seobu ? xD
Consoles *O* I like them a lot tooo <3 But I don't have a lot of them ;A;..
But it must take a lot of time to draw all the controllers ! O.O
ReplyDeleteOh thanks so much!..
Please do comment cause it gets lonely sometimes...^^;
Oh wow!! Yeah I really love B2ST now!...^^
haha thanks!! I wrote ”ヨシオプ” Yosiopu but I later realized his name in japanese is ”ヨソプ” Yosop..www
I tried spelling it like his korean name but it turns out it just have to sound the same...ww
Oh consoles are like art! they are all so beautiful and cool...
I have all the consoles I drew on the image..;;
Not really long to draw them...
I find drawing items easier than anime characters...
well im Korean....
ReplyDeleteYour sketches look really cool. I don't usually like K-pop either XDD I'll check the song out..yeah sometimes it happens that a song catches on a few days after you hear it. Oh those consoles look so cool, *wants* I've always loved consoles but I ain't got a single one. My mum said she'll buy me any I like if I did really well in my exams..hopefully I do this time XDD I think your sketches have a lot of life to them. They turn out really nice :D
ReplyDeleteAhah ^^ yeah, I saw that sometimes your blog are in lack of comments D:
ReplyDelete:D <3 YO seob is too much Beautiful *O*
wwww XD Yeah Yosop ( yosopu ? ) feat better xD <3
yeah, spelling are so different sometimes D:
Omg, it sur it is !
Omg *O* All !? You have chance ;A; I want them too ;A;
Omg, for me its hard to draw a DS.. -.- XD But recently I sketch a lot person with a Ds in their hands xDD I start to be better :D xD
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot!
Yeah! you should listen to their songs...its really nice!..ww
You should get PSP if its your first console...
but PSP is getting outdated and not many games are releasing for the console...idk... ._.
Or you could get a 3DS since the price dropped...^^
and also we can exchange friend codes if you have one...www
Project Mirai is coming out for 3DS..but region lock...^^;;;
I wish you luck in your exams so you can get a console!!
again thanks!!...><
ReplyDeletehaha yeah...
Yosopu< in japanese
My fav is Junhyung now...www
In [Bad Girl] he does not look good though...orz
haha yeah all..^^;;
I never drew people holding DS...
I think its harder to ;;
* fanboy mode on * Personally, I prefer Yo seob :D xD <3333 He is toooo cuute with is baby face *O*
ReplyDeleteaahah xD Yeah his hair is a bit weird xD But Yo seob is perfect :D * fanboy mode off * xD
Ahaha xD YES its hard xDDD Every time I do it I fail but I don't want to give up XD One day i'll be able to do it XD
ReplyDeleteOh wow you are a Beast fanboy!!!
Its really rare to find fanboys...www
aahh, Yoseob is always cute! He looks really pretty as a girl too!..ww
That is a very good spirit! never give up!!..^^
@P2: Hey no problem, you're very very welcome and thanks a lot for the reply as well ^u^
ReplyDeleteOkay I'll check it out XD Ah psp, how I loves it, thanks for the recommendation..yeah I hear whatcha mean..but I think there are some really cool existing titles for the PSP...not to mention you can watch stuff and listen to music as well so that's cool too. I heard you can skype on it as well...hmm. But yeah. I'd really like a DS lite or DSi though, really wanna play some pokemon and Professor Layton and Legend of Zelda games on a real's fine playing it on an emulator but you can't always use the computer and some games don't work so well in emulators as DS is I could play at school XDDD The 3DS eh..yeah the price did drop and it can play DS games..I'm still not sure though if I want to buy it or not..I do want to play the Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright game that's coming out...oh well. Let's see..exchanging friend codes would be awesome! But the region lock really bothers me..DX Wow Project Mirai cool! I'd love to play it..but shit region lock huh.. ;__; It looks so cute too..darn it. Wish they'll release an english version I guess so we people in other regions could play it D< I think I'd buy the 3DS just for this game if it wasn't region locked.. *sniff* . I still don't see why they should region lock stuff in the first place..I mean we're buying the game and the console and yet we can't play it but they're still getting the money..pfft. So annoying DX Also it's sad that the Japanese version won't work in Asian countries...I'll just have to play project Diva in the PSP..yeahh. I talk too much XDD
Thank you so very much! I'll do my best and get them consoles OAO!! All the best with your exams too! Good luck!
You're very very welcome, I really like your drawing style and your blog is quite interesting and nice to read XDD
By the way I heard that the 3DS has a lower battery life than the DS cousin's got a DS lite and it's got a very good battery is it true that the battery life of the 3DS is really low? I read on endgadget that they got 3 hours of gameplay battery life outta it...o_o
ReplyDeleteThanks for comment!
Yeah I love PSP's existing games!
I usually play Project Diva and Taiko...ww
I am actually considering selling my existing 3DS to buy a Japanese 3DS because all the games that I want are all Japanese....I really hate region lock....
Im actually not too sure cause I don't usually play much on the 3DS since theres not much games now... I only use it to go online or play some sribbling games...
To me, the battery is enough...but for gamers probly not....^^;;