They are going to live broadcast it onto niconico...
but requires 2000 nico points to watch the live video....;__;
Please buy me some points?...;3;
Click on image for website!
My friend is going to buy me this CD!!...*dies*
She asked me if I wanted it cause she knows I like Miku...;w;
I was speechless and overjoyed of course...www
While I was being speechless...
Friend: you don't want it?...D:
Me: oh no no, I want...>///<
Friend: oh ok then and which manga do you want I will try to find it for you...:)
Me:...eAe*too happy*
A day before that, my elder brother bought Domino's pizza and he gave me half of the whole pizza...8D
unlike my selfish lil bro...=3=
Some of you may know this already but my dad owns a restaurant/cafe/pub,
so I tried making my own pizza in the shop...ww
This is the result!...
It came out better than expected...
but the prawns are not visible since the cheese is covering it...haha
[I'm singing loud just singing loud,
So take the earphones off right now.]
But this song is too nice, i can't take my headphones off...;A;
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