Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Camp was so fun!

Sorry i have not updated for so long...>_<
My laptop is finally sent for repair but it is still not back yet...

*currently using my dad's mini laptop*

And i had camp few days ago... 
I got to meet Mich again...ww...

and we met so many DA friends!..

they were very fun to talk to!!

The above picture is the acrylic class thing during camp...ww

I wasn't doing my best cause im so off that day...@__@
I only got 1 hour of sleep cause of work....fff

I used Tachibana-su's camera and took many shots of this

I stole this pic from her blog cause she has not added me in msn yet...;A;

They were laughing so much when i was taking those

On the 2nd day, i had them draw in my sketchbook as memory...

My sketchbook doesnt have enough page so i had to make these lame panels...orz

They were all so good...>_<
I'm so envious!!...

From top left 
Eden, Tachibanana*lol*,Mich, Kazenori, Hikura, mp3 chan..ww
We are all secondary students...>v<

Click on their names for DA link!!

My friend managed to get me some copics while she was in the other state...ww

Thanks so much!!...ww

Im going to get some more copics next week....ww

And i injured my finger again....-A-...

It was during the camp... my skin suddenly ripped...
then it got better but i accidentally stretched it..orz...

I think my fingers has been injured more than 10 times this
such weak skins...:/

Tell me my fingers are pretty...8D *retard*

What do you think?...
Its still not done yet...orz

I had to use a my artline pen which is 0.1mm thick...e__e

urhhh....if i sell this in prints will you buy?....
lets say 3RM?... /shot
how much are prints usually sold at??.. i have no idea...

Btw who is going to Comic Fiesta'10??

I didn't online for so long and my DA inbox has 1000 over messages and I have no new songs or video to feature!!...

ok that is all!!...
Feel free to ask question in the comment box!!

btw you don't have to have a blogger account to comment!...


  1. ARAGakspetgsgnvsiog
    YOU SHOULD SELL AT RM 8 OR MORE MOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR darn you P2 >: I envy you >: *sniff sniff*
    I wanna ta-chi your ... MOAAAAAAR
    TAT now I missed it TAT huhuhuhuhuh

    Heeeeeeeeeeey, that's my name D: why Tachibananana
    D::::::::: Banana! I'm gonna free you 10 million banananananan D:!! D::::::::
    OHSRS TAT I miss you huhuh

  2. I'M GOING TO COMIC FIESTA <333333 And I'll be cosplaying as Chen from Touhou -v-
    My friend is gonna be Aya lol <3

  3. @Kitsune
    8RM is so expensive!... i dont think people will buy...orz...
    Why do you envy me?..O__O
    i envy u!!
    You can;t ta-chi my... cause they are holy!!...

    banana is cute name...wwwww
    I miss u too...>_<

  4. @Fishy
    i look forward to meeting you!!....
    Please stop by my booth...;v; though my works suck but please greet me!!...ww
    I love Aya!!....XD

  5. weeeee~I was so happy to met you again too~. XD
    eh, D8 when the first time I go to the camp I wanted to hug youu!!!! FFF (but was suppose to tachi your bewbs tho..=3= )~~~
    the acrylic painting is so hard...D8...I envy Mina for coloring so effing niceeee ;u;~~~
    I want a picture from eden...;33;.....~

    how many times do you have to injure your finger? XDD you are sometimes so careless :P
    /I sees Miku in blue.....BLUE!!!!!! *U*!!!!!!

  6. gosh you all know each other and went to the same place to study and such...i wish i had friends that would go place and study the same things i like to draw..;__;

  7. @P2 but RM 8 is ... TAT .. I mean your arts are SOOOOOOOO AWESOOOMMEE D8! AAAAARRRRRRGGHHH;;
    RM 3 is too cheap, how about.. RM4 ? ^^; I think that's reasonable. @_@;;
    T_______________________T;; I envy yours moaaaar..
    TAT you have such epic ... coloring skills and drawing skills too TAT..

    Anyway, don't stretch your fingers @__@ Abo kena more D: Take care your finger >8 !! TAT .. banana sounds so hentai desu..

    bwahahahhahahahahahhaha >8DDDD!!

  8. At least........ RM10? I think its worth buying *u*
    Why must you torture the poor statue hahaha...
    Looking back at that sketch I drew...
    it looks like crap =_=

  9. @Mich Ming
    Yeah i miss u so much!!...>__<
    gwahhh acrylic was hard...orz

    aahhh don't worry. we'll force eden to draw us 100000 drawings for us...hehe

    I injured my fingers many
    Miku is moe...*kyun*

  10. @studioLessonguy
    Actually I only know Michia and we go to different schools now...;3;...
    she introduced me to her friends and we also met new friends over there.. its really fun!...

  11. @Kitsune
    I scared no one buys...;3;
    yeah right... i has crappy coloring...


  12. @白き優鬱
    LOL RM10 is too much!!...
    and i love that statue thats why...ww
    its not ugly...fff
