Thursday, November 11, 2010

9 november is naked day

Iscribble with Shi

World is Mine Version 2.....ww

Click on image for original link!

Brace your eyes for the next image...

I only did the background and the words...
helped only a bit at colouring

Sorry i do not have pictures for this post....
I haven't been able to use my father's computer to send the pictures...
sorry!!...m(_ _)m

I think i should buy another PSP...*retard*


  1. I love the banner for your blog! So cute and pretty! You're an amazing artist! ^-^

  2. @Audrey (hkittygirl)
    thanks so much for the comment!...
    i have commented on your blog thanks again!...

  3. I spelled World is Mine wrongly in the 2nd and 3rd image..;3;...
