This picture was taken after she came

so i had to bring it along...orz...
I got thirsty so i bought a bottle of water from Mc Donalds...
The bottle is so cool...wwww

we only had drinks there....
I covered that person's face because of privacy...
She was watching a movie in her PSP...
while her son is eating and moving around!!....

I think i upload too many pictures...orz
I will buy it next time...^q^/
Inside the metal box is actually spoons and forks.. not needles...*drools*
My first birthday present this year!!....
Tainasyum drew Kurin so cute!...
I was so shocked!...wwww
Please click at the image for the real link...

Dad: Hey you wanna go buy the pants you talked bout?
Me: Yeah
*buys pants and shirt*
Me: Hey, my birthday is coming up...I want a laptop.
Dad: This is your birthday present.
Me: WHAT???!!!
He blackmailed me..;A;
But its better than my mom's

Art block.....orz...
sorry I have not drawn much lately....orz
This part is the best
I just finished watching "The Haunting in Connecticut"
Its a really nice horror
Loooll...OMG XD clinic cafe??? where did you guys go !? ;A;'' man..=3=''...I wanna go there one day..*criesinthecorner*
ReplyDeleteand your birthday present is pants and shirts..??? least you get to have those awesome dad bought me a SKIRT and a pack of papers last year T___T...(but no money-so just bought those OTL)
in art block state again too...=A=''' (I still can't listen in nico nico dougo....orz..)
*goes watch the movie* *U*
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ReplyDeleteits in gurney hunny....4th
omg skirt....orz... paper arh..orzzz
go make a account...fff
@Florence F.
ReplyDeleteyeahh you were the one that took
thanks for comment...ww
;A;......I wanna go with you next time...*sobs*
ReplyDeleteskirt+papers are epic XD LOL;;;; joking joking.
ReplyDeletelets go together next time..;u;