Thursday, September 2, 2010

Miku in digital

 \ ´∀` /
I did this in school because it was free period...ww

I used Photoshop and mouse but it does not have layers...orz
Im too lazy to find the layers...(´・ω・`)

It took about 15 to 20 minutes....ww


I did this on the day after Miku's birthday..ww

My dad gave me those patterned origami papers....(´・ω・`)
I have no idea where he got them...


My brother ordered pizza on Miku's birthday... \ ^o^ /
The picture is very bad...orz..

Today no video feature~ 
I'm still listening to Matryoshka (in the last post)


  1. MALINKA <3
    and is that island pizza? *U* I just ate that yesterday LOL I.LOVE.BOTH.MIKU.PICTURESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS *MUAH*

  2. zomg!!!! beautiful miku pictures!!! @A@
    u draws like a god with mouse XD
    how did u draw that in school???

  3. @Blackus
    Kalinka?Malinka? i cant
    yeah island supreme!...
    ffff thanks again!...;A;

  4. @shimun
    LOL! thanks alot for commenting always!
    It was free period and we went to computer lab.. so i just doodled there...XD

  5. @P2
    I love Malinkaa XDDD
    I thought your fav was something else..? O3O~~
    *hugs* just telling the truth <3

  6. @Blackus
    My fav is Island supreme...XD
