Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Drawing Trip \ ´∀` /


I went to another state to visit relatives...
My friend, Mich came along cause i force her to..www

I cannot stand the car..@__@...
I got very dizzy after a few hours...

Mich and I listen to music all the way while in the car...ww


I went through her file and see what i found!..wwwwwww

Her drawings look 10000000000000000 times better than scan or photo taken ones!

I took this photo while we were in the car with Michia's camera..ww..
sadly my brother's shoe cannot fit in..orz..
my mother is a messy person...wwwww
 look at her car...www
the photo is too bright...orz

We drew so many pictures after reaching my mother's relative's house...wwww
I drew Riona for Michia with copics...

I allowed her use my copics for her picture!..ww
She is so naturally good at it!...gwahhhhh...

My brother was drawing me...loll
I didnt take a picture because it looks scary!

Its too dark in this

we went to many places... but mainly just to eat..orz..
I did not enjoy it very much... orz 
I think my state's food is better...wwww

The only part I enjoy is to able to draw with michia together..www

Its been very long since we met!...wwww

Michia can draw in ther car...oAo!!

Lily is rail block...wwww

I am watching "Chef at Home" now...wwww
I need food that he cooks!!..gwahhhhhh


  1. lmao XDD I'm not so surprised at it lololll
    at least we travel and go...somewhere...just to eat...orz TT.TT...

  2. @Blackus
    lol.. yeah lo...=w=..
    gwahhh i wanna go ur grandma house!!
