-6 colours only
-using a chalk board to draw on(sketch book is available too)
-only has 2 size for duster...>__>
-the chalk sizes CAN be changed.. find it out urself..XD
-you can play chalk board games and get points
-Use the points to buy other colour chalks or different sized duster or even a smudge tool etc.

this was my first try on Kokuban so it looks kindda weird...=o=

i couldnt seem to upload that time cause i didnt draw something to activate my account

I drew this to activate it.. this picture cannot be found though...D;

Finally i can upload now...XD
I made some ugly doodles just to try if it uploads before...
Click the below chalk board to go to my account....;D
How do you get to the games section where you get points?